Last Modified: May 21, 2021
This page document the steps on getting a Raspberry Pi up from scratch and setting it up for screensharing to access from a laptop (in this case a Macbook Pro) using a VPN connection.
I used these steps to create some visual art from a Raspberry Pi computer and software called Processing . Here’s the finished “product”:
Raspberry Pis (aka “Pis”) are small and inexpensive computers that have a variety uses including teaching computing, IoT, and art. Because of there small size and low cost they Pis are perfect for creating and curating interative art.
Get a Pi (mini computer) and needed auxillary items to get started.
After the first boot there are some one-time prompt that guides some one time setups:
From top left PI menu: PI -> Preferences -> Raspberry PI Config
Turn VNC from GUI:
From new window go to Interfaces tab. Flip the VNC toggle to “enabled”.
Setup remote user
Open VNC Software from top right corner. Go to “User and Permissions”
Setup remote password
You have to setup a password to connect remotely - such as with Mac.
If you don’t set a password you won’t be able to connect. So, set a password (remember it):
Make sure to set a password for MAC “Go To Server”
Open the command line and run:
sudo raspi-config