About Me

Hi, I’m Pete. I’ve created this blog for a place to share projects, tutorials, and notable troubleshooting-to-solution journeys. I am always interested in meeting new people with similar projects and always open to constructive feedback. Feel free to reach out.

Here are some examples of my projects and topics I am interested in:

Data Science

I am an outspoken R champion because the R ecosystem is an amazing tool to frame and solve business problems. R also has an amazing, supportive community. Before my life with R, there were questions and lots of data but not enough time and expertise to connect the two. I started my R journey completing JHU Data Science Specialization and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

My Full Stack Journey

In my career (and hobbies) I’ve worked across the stack but the journey is never ending. I started my career as a data collection expert specializing in the instrumentation and measurement of electrical systems. In this work I learned about a lot of cool hardware such as RF (radio frequency) satellite modems and automatic force microscopes. I am currently focusing on IaC (Infrastucture as Code) using Terraform and others, immutable servers in the cloud (DigitalOcean, AWS), and microservices/containers(Docker).

Art From Code:


Sensor Array Light Controlled Instrument: A networked music instrument I envisioned and developed using open source Arduino hardware/software. This instrument uses sensors to measure changes in light conditions and generates MIDI data that can be synthesized in various forms.\

A Happy Little Bug

Using Processing.org (Java), I enjoy building graphics and animations. The best part of using a programming language for graphical work is that there is no such thing as an ugly bug. Similar to how Bob Ross makes a “happy little tree” out of a accidental brush stroke, a mistake in incrementing a loop counter can create a stacked,colorful facet, instead of an organized array of circles. Or in a Bob Ross analogy a “happy little bug”